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Sophie's New Hospital Outfit

10:55 Unknown 2 Comments

As i was checking to see if i had everything for Sophie's hospital bag just the other day i was thinking how hot it had been the past few days. Hovering between 21 and 27 degrees. Coming across her little red coat and booties along with a t-shirt, Vest, Socks, Mittens and leggings i had packed recently for her 'Coming Out Of The Hospital Outfit' I decided she would be just too darn hot in all of that and decided to rethink her whole outfit.

Although i will be taking the both outfits this is what i have come up with.
A lovely summery outfit that will keep her cool but warm. 

So... Here is her original 'Warm' Outfit thats already packed...

And here is the new 'Summery' Outfit that iv packed....

What Do You Think??


  1. Both outfits are lovely, she's going to look adorable in either of them x

  2. aww both outfits are so adorable !! she will look lovely in both :)
    Melissa x


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